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Beryllium : Properties, Source and Uses

When we talk about the properties of alkaline earth metal, it say that the properties of beryllium will discuss in the other article. Why should be like that. It is because beryllium has different properties than other alkaline earth metal elements (magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium)

So now, we are going to discuss about the different properties of beryllium than other alkaline earth metal in this article.

The Properties Of Beryllium
As metal element, beryllium is steel gray, hard, has a high melting and boiling point and has a low density. It also has a high electrical conductivity. So because of this properties, we can say that there is no different between beryllium and other metal elements.

Beryllium is also resistance to corrosion and it has very high strength and non magnetic behavior.

Beryllium compounds have a sweet taste and are extremely poisonous. Inhalation of the dust of beryllium compounds result in a chronic condition known as berylliosis.

Now we are going to explain why the beryllium is differ than other elements of alkaline earth metals. The reason is because of the bonding in beryllium compound is predominates of covalent bond, while other alkaline earth metals elements has ionic bond in their compounds.

Why beryllium compound shown this properties?
Beryllium cation is very small in size but it has such a high charge density (1100 C/mm3) that can polarizes any approaching anion, and overlaps of electron density occur. So, this is cause a covalent bond in beryllium compounds.

For examples :
Simple ionic compound of beryllium tend to be found as tetrahydrates, such as BeCl2.4H2O. In the crystal lattice, this compound is actually consist of [Be(H2O)4]2+.2Cl-, called tetraaquaberyllium ions. In this ions, four oxygen atoms from water molecules are covalently bonded to the oxygen ion. This is also found when this compound in form of solutions.

Beside of that, another properties that makes beryllium is more like non – metal elements is an ability to form oxyanion species.

Magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium oxides is generally react with acids to give cations to form axyanions, but it cannot react with bases. While, beryllium oxide can react not only with base but also with acids to form axyanions.

Form examples:
Reaction between beryllium oxide with acids will give tetraaquaberyllium ion.
H2O(l) + BeO(s) + 2H3O+(aq) → [Be(OH2)4]2+(aq)

Reaction between beryllium oxide with bases will give tetrtahydroxoberyllate ion.
H2O(l) + BeO(s) + 2OH-(aq) → [Be(OH)4]2+(aq)

The metals who can react with both acids and base is called amphoteric metals. Beside beryllium, aluminum and zinc are also show the this properties. So because of this, sometimes this metals are called “weak” metals who tend to be located close to the semimetals elements.

Source Of Beryllium
The source of beryllium in nature is bertrandite, with chemical formula Be4Si2O7(OH)3 and gemstone beryl, with chemical formula Be3Al2Si4O18. This mineral occurs in various colors because of trace amounts of impurities that contain in it crystal. A light blue – green colors of beryl is called aquamarine and a deep – green one is called emerald.

The green color is cause by the presence of chromium(III) ion about 2 percent in the crystal structure. The green emeralds are not used in production of beryllium, because it is beautiful crystal and has expensive price.
Only imperfect crystal like colorless and brown emerald beryl are use to produce beryllium.

Uses Of Beryllium
Because of beryllium’s resistance to corrosion, has low density, high strength and show non – magnetic behavior, beryllium alloys are often used in precision instruments such as gyroscopes.

Beside that, beryllium is also used s material to make windows of X-rays tube. The reason is because of the adsorption of  X-rays increase with the square of the atomic number and beryllium has the lowest atomic number of all air – stable metals and the most transparent material for the X – rays spectrum.

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