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Rule of Stability Elements

There are many elements in the periodic table, but only the noble gas group elements are found in their atomic form in nature. That is, the noble gas atoms are stable even without binding to other elements.

Why did it happen? Here's the explanation.
Consider the following noble gas electron configuration!

From the table above, we can see that except for helium, all noble gas elements have the number of valence electrons 8.

Now, note also the following Ne and Kr orbital diagrams!
Orbital Diagram of Neon (Ne)

Orbital Diagram of Krypton (Kr)

From the orbital diagram above, we can see that all the orbitals of the noble gas atoms are fully charged by the electrons (each 2 pieces of electrons)

Since all the orbits in the atom are full, the noble gas elements are no longer need to bind to other elements to achieve stability. Atoms that have properties like this is stable atom and will be in its atomic form in nature. Stable atoms also have characteristics - the number of valence electrons is 2 and 8, like the number of valence electrons possessed by the noble gas elements.

Based on the above explanation can be taken some conclusions:

  1. A stable atom is an atom whose have the configuration of electrons resembles noble gas elements. If the number of valence electrons is 2 then the element is stable according to the duplet rule. And if the number of electrons valence is 8 then the element is stable according to the octet rule.
  2. Other atoms that have no such configuration as noble gas elements, will tend to stabilize themselves by imitating the noble gas electron configuration.
  3. Elements that are not yet stable, in nature will be found in the form of the compound with other elements. It can be said that atoms bind to each other in order to achieve stability.

Like I said before, atoms that not have same electron configuration with the noble gas atom will tend to stabilize himself. There is 3 way that atoms do to stabilize himself, that is :

1. Release some electron
Atoms that have the number of valence electron 1, 2 and 3 will tend to release all their valence electron to form positive ions. Atoms that have this property are metal atoms. All metal atom is releasing their electron to get a stable form.

For example :
Sodium (Na) has a total of 11 electrons. The electron configuration is = 2 8 1, with the number of valence electrons = 1.

Because the number of valence electrons is 1, then it tends to release 1 of its valence electrons to form Na+ ions.

2. Receive some electron
Atoms that have the number of valence electrons 5, 6 and 7 will tend to receive a number of electrons to the number of valence electrons such as the noble gas element. Atoms that have these properties are nonmetallic atoms. After an atom receives a number of electrons, it will form a negative ion.

For example :
Oxygen (O) is a nonmetallic atom with the number of electrons = 8
The electron configuration is = 2 6

Because the oxygen atom has 6 electrons, to become a stable atom it will tend to capture two more electrons to form the O2-.

I am not a native speaker. This article I created as a writing exercise in English. If there is a grammatical error, I apologize. And if you want to fix it, please write in the comment field

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