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The Difference Between Element, Molecule, and Mixture

Before you go in deep learning about chemistry, you must know about the basic first, right? What we are going to learn today from this article is what the difference between element, molecule, and mixture.

Make sure that you read this article till the end to get a full understanding of the element, molecule, and mixture.

Elements, molecule, and the mixture is three kind of matter that we learn in chemistry.
The definition of elements. 
Elements is a matter or single substance that can not be decomposed or divided anymore, even with a chemical reaction, become more simple matter. So we can say that the elements are consist of an atom or the atom is the smallest particle that builds elements.

For examples, if you have a periodic table, you may see that all of the atoms that write in there are elements that we know until now.  Iron bars, gold jewelry and much other matter in around us are also consist of elements. Iron bars consist of the iron atom (Fe) and gold jewelry is consist of gold atom (Au).

From all elements in the periodic table can be divided into three group, that is :
1. Metal elements
The properties of a metal element are :

  • Have high melting and boiling point
  • Solid at room temperature (except mercury/Hg)
  • Can be forged and stretched into many shapes. For example, people who make a gold ring are forge and stretch the gold element so it can be fixed in our fingers.
  • Have silvery surface
  • Good electrical and heat conduction. That why many metal elements are used in wire to conduct electricity
  • Hard. This property caused by the stronger of the metal bond between the atoms.

Example of metal elements
Sodium (Na)
Magensium (Mg)
Aluminium (Al)
Nickel (Ni)
Silver (Ag)

2. Non-metal elements
The properties of the nonmetal element are opposite of metal element properties. Here is some of them:

  • Generally, have low melting and boiling point (especially if we compare with metal elements)
  • Have various state at room temperature. For examples, carbon is nonmetal element with solid state in room temperature while oxygen is nonmetal element with the gas state at room temperature. The solid state of nonmetal differs than metal because the solid element of nonmetal is brittle.
  • Some of the element has a shiny surface while the other is not.
  • Bad heat and electrical conduction.

Example of some non metal elements
Nitrogen (N)
Hidrogen (H)
Neon (Ne)
Fluorin (F)
Kripton (Kr)

3. Semi-metal elements
The semi-metal elements have properties between metal and nonmetal element. The most important properties of this group elements are they can conduction the electricity, but not really good like metal elements but better than nonmetal elements. So, because of that some of this elements are used for the electronic component.

The Defenition Of Molecule
A molecule is a single substance that can be decomposed by chemical reaction. So the molecule is consist of two or more atom that joining together with a certain comparison.

There are 2 type of molecule

  1. The Atomic molecule is a molecule that consists of two or more atom but all atom is the same elements. For example, oxygen gas consists of two oxygen atom.
  2. Compound molecule is a molecule that consists of two or more atom but the atom is different. For example, carbohydrate is consist of 6 carbon atom, 12 hydrogen atom, and 6 oxygen atom.

The Definition Of Mixture
The mixture is the combination of several single substances (it can be element + element, molecule + molecule or molecule + molecule), but they are joining together not with a certain comparison.

There are three types of mixtures that we have to learn.

1. Solution
The solution is a homogenous mixture. It consists of solvent and solute with any comparison but when we mix together, we can not distinguish one of each other.

For example, the sugar solution is made from water and sugar crystal. When we pour the sugar crystal into the water, all sugar is dissolved and spread evenly to all of the parts of the solution. So we can not determine which one of sugar molecule or which one of the water molecule.

The solute in the solution almost the same particle size with the solvent, so it can not be filtering.

2. Colloid
A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture that consists of two phases, one is the dispersed phase and the other is the dispersing medium. For the beginning, the mixture looks like homogeneous mixture but after some time, the dispersed phase will separate with the dispersing medium. Colloid has large enough particle size so they can be filtering with an ultra filter.

Example, coconut milk is colloid that is a mixture of fat and water. If you left the coconut milk in the refrigerator for several hours, the fat will solidify and settle in the bottom part while the water will be at the top part.

3. Suspension
The suspension is a heterogeneous mixture, but because the solute particle has bigger size than the solvent, they going to separate suddenly. The bigger particle will be in the bottom part while the other is in the top part.

Example, the mixture of sand and water.

I am not a native speaker. This article I created as a writing exercise in English. If there is a grammatical error, I apologize. And if you want to fix it, please write in the comment field.

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